Mitigating Climate Change and rehabilitating soil through Organics Recycling education, technical assistance and research
The Mission of ORF, a non-profit 501(c)3, is to promote research and education around organics waste recycling for the benefit of our environment and economy. Organics from food and yard waste to biosolids must be managed to reduce methane gas emission from disposal in landfills, addressing a major environmental justice concern and increase organic matter in the soil to help grow healthy foods.
This will improve our land use, reduce methane emissions, increase carbon capture, and mitigate climate change. We do this through educational workshops, events and outreach, advocating for smarter regulation as well as creating and supporting research projects.
Organics Waste Reduction & Recycling leads to healthy soils which leads to healthy nutrient dense foods, better for our environment, better for our people - help us expand our work!
Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals. Your generous donation will fund our mission.
Donate any amount to help us expand the knowledge and passion for organics recycling and composting.
Learn more about our upcoming events, fundraisers, and more!