This project was started with a two pronged approach:
1) Educating Municipalities officials and policy makers on the benefits of food waste diversion programs that include for back yard, and community composting that includes drop off and pick up programs.
2) Resident education on the benefits, operation of backyard composting and applications.
Composting and organics waste diversion is a crucial component of the circular economy. This program demonstrates the benefits of composting on the climate for soil rehabilitation and the economy.
The cheapest and most environmentally friendly way of dealing with food waste is to not waste at all, but second to that? doing it in your backyard. This program reviews what you need to get started, the available at home technologies, and what you should or shouldn't compost at home.
Not everyone can or wants to compost at home but that doesn't mean they can't be part of the solution! This program will teach you about both private and publicly funded organics diversion programs. What's worked in thew before? What are the options for this community and how can you get started?
Ready to start a small scale process for your community? Your community garden or school could be a great place to start. Microbins, volunteers, feedstocks, permitting will need to be engaged. This program talks about what works for your constituents.
When your community is ready to move to a larger scale of composting, or as part of an even larger coalition, you're going to need to know where to get started. This program reviews the basics of what types of technologies are available, what a good site looks like, permitting requirements and funding mechanisms.
Tools & activities supporting this project include: backyard composting handbook, powerpoint presentation, webinar, webinar platform, municipal survey, Co-Marketing to promote program, introduction to local food waste service providers (haulers, consultants, processors, technology partners).